In the Media

Examples of research from the Gentner Group in the media across various news outlets:

Lab News

August 31, 2020
Our new paper from the Yale CEID on mask testing during the COVID-19 shutdown is out in Nature’s JESEE. Still testing in the CEID (Center for Engineering Innovation &...
August 31, 2020
Congratulations Dr. Jenna Ditto on an awesome Ph.D. defense!! The complexities of organic aerosol presented were only matched by that of the hat! (A bit of deja vu today with...
August 31, 2020
A big congratulations to Dr. Roger Sheu on an excellent Ph.D. defense!! Also, nice work to the group on his Ph.D. hat (a Mainz tradition we are happy to adopt).
May 4, 2020
Our survey of an actual hospital PPE inventory shows that with the influx of non-certified masks, not all “real” masks function properly. These aren’t just alternative/...
March 12, 2020
Gentner Lab student Jenna Ditto and a team of engineering and physics PhD students are developing the SpinWheel: a colorful, wearable kit to teach and learn physics and...
March 4, 2020
Congratulations to Roger on his super cool paper that came out today in Science Advances, which is already generating a lot of interest. Thanks to the Max Planck Institute...
March 4, 2020
Check out Jenna Ditto’s new paper in Environmental Science & Technology Letters using MS/MS to look at organic aerosol functional groups across OA complex mixtures Read “...