In the Media

Examples of research from the Gentner Group in the media across various news outlets:

Lab News

January 22, 2020
Original article:   A new study shows that air pollutants from the smoke...
January 17, 2020
Congrats to Jenna for Ditto et al. 2018 being selected as an “Editors’ Pick” in Nature’s Chemistry Communications “Anniversary Collection” and for being awarded the annual...
January 17, 2020
Ricardo Soto, an undergraduate researcher in the Gentner Group since freshman year, was recently awarded a scholarship from the Hispanic Scholarship Fund and a STARS II...
January 17, 2020
Read about our EPA SEARCH project in the latest issue of Yale Engineering magazine here
January 17, 2020
Check out Jenna’s third paper in ES&T Letters “Nontargeted Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis Reveals Diversity and Variability in Aerosol Functional Groups across...
October 29, 2019
Congratulations to Haley Rogers on her paper that was just accepted to Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, which focuses on the impact of long-range transport of biomass...
November 8, 2018
Check out “An omnipresent diversity and variability in the chemical composition of atmospheric functionalized organic aerosol” in Communications Chemistry. There is also a...